As many of you know, a little over 2 years ago, we settled in East Tennessee and bought a house.
Since then, we just haven’t done many blogposts (not that we blogged enough when we were travelling.)
I’ve got lots of reasons (excuses) for that, including:
I need to collect and organize my pictures.
I need a better editor so I can make my posts look better and be more flexible on different size and mobile screens.
I need TIME!!!!!!!!!!
But hell, mostly I just need to make time. It’s not easy. I spend so much time and energy every day working on this house, plus Carol and I go out a lot. We’re here for the GSMNP (that’s Great Smoky Mountains National Park), we go to the park every chance we get, and from here on Douglas Lake south of Dandridge, it’s near an hour each way.
I have a lot to blog about.
I’ve been doing some mods on our new Entegra Aspire Motorcoach.
We’ve decided our 2010 Jeep Liberty is going to continue as a keeper, and are nearly done catching up on somewhat defered service and maintenance.
I’ve gotten a LOT done on this old ’70’s ranch house.
I’ve been wanting to go back to the beginning and do “Campground Reviews”.
I want to get a forum going on this site, I need to hear back from people that read what we wright, one way conversations are boring.
Oh, and the BIG NEWS! We’re going south for the winter! We have reservations for January at Gulf Waters RV Resort in Port Aransas, Texas!
We’re hoping to be able to get to Arizona in February, then back to Dandridge to finish this house and get it on the market for sale.
Both Carol and our niece Kayla have been bugging me to just get it done, so here, without forther ado(drumroll please), is a BLOGPOST!!!