Carol and I have always liked us some good ole Classic Rock. They just don’t make music like that anymore! And yea sure, I’m new age, got my satellite radio, even listen to my own classic rock stations on Pandora on my phone.
But it just ain’t Classic Rock without that vinyl disk going round and round!
We’ve been eyeballing turntables for a while now. In case you haven’t been paying attention, records are becoming a thing! There’s a ton of cheap new turntables available, old records are being remastered and remade in new vinyl, and of course the old original records are still out there.
So for Christmas, I got Carol a turntable and some records! Since we live in this bus, we’re kinda limited on equipment. The turntable I got has bluetooth out as well as builtin speakers. The speakers ain’t great, but they’ll do. It lives on the counter behind the table in our Entegra, and fits nice there.
Our first batch were new records, at $20 plus each, I got us some Seger, and stuff Carol likes, Styx and Prince and Supertramp. Yesterday we went to Corpus Christi and hunted through some antique stores. First store wanted $15 each, and didn’t have anything we just had to have. Second store was more better. Found another Bob Seger for $8.95, and a Monkeys Greatest Hits that I just had to have even at $20. And in the next room we hit the mother lode! Album after album for 2 or 3 dollars! So we walked off with 6 new records for $36, happy as can be.
Played them all today, and they all play pretty well for forty year old plastic.