Well on Thursday, December 3, we closed out our month in Gulf Shores, AL (see previous post.) Carol and Brian took the Jeep and headed north. Brian has his final Eagle Scout Board of Review next Wednesday, and Carol wants to see Jake and Dann, and visit with other family. As all RV Parks in…
Tag: camping
31 days in Gulf Shores, Alabama
Thursday, 12-3-2015, we rolled out of Gulf Shores, Alabama. We’d stayed here for an entire month, which is the longest we’ve sat still since we moved into the bus in July. We had mail and other stuff shipped to us there. We made friends. We established favorite restaurants. It was almost like a home! We…
We Are Now Florida Residents!!!
I’ve read a bunch of posts about setting up a “domicile” in a new state. Today, we are going to try to be as specific as we can about exactly how and why we chose to set up our domicile in Florida. Disclaimer: This is what we did on or before December 1, 2015. What…
S-N-O-W: A four-letter word
We’re from Chicago. We’ve both lived there all of our lives – still not sure why!! Between the housing prices, taxes, politicians, and the HORRIBLE weather in winter, I seriously think we were nuts for staying there all these years. Last week they got a foot of snow back home in Chicago, while we were…
Tech Tuesday: USB Charging Ports
Welcome to Tech Tuesday! Each week we will post anything techie that we have done in our RV. If you missed it, last week’s post was all about WIFI That Works and was a very popular post!! If this is something that you have questions about, you can read all about it here. This week we…
The Location Independent Lifestyle Series – Work From Anywhere Jobs: Freelancing
Welcome to Part II of The Location Independent Lifestyle Series – Work From Anywhere Jobs! Today we are going to talk about freelancing. If you missed Part I, which talked about avoiding work from home scams, you can read it here. We consciously chose this location independent lifestyle, which obviously means that we love freedom!…
Happy Sunday! Grab A Cup Of Coffee And Read About Our Week!
Happy Sunday! I hope you are all having a nice mellow morning. Grab a cup of coffee and relax and enjoy a wrap up of our week! I found this quote sitting on my Pinterest board titled “Quotes I Love” and fell in love with it all over again. I must have pinned it a…
How To Sell All Of Your Crap And Take Off In Your RV
When we decided to start this full-time RV-ing adventure, we had 3 properties (1 house, 2 commercial properties) and a TON of crap. At one point, six people lived in my 4000 square foot crap-holder house, including a pack-rat mother-in-law whose favorite hobbies included beading, puzzles and books. I swear her crap filled up half…
Tech Tuesday: WiFi That Works!
I see a lot of posts and questions on wifi and data. Everyone wants to get online, and it seems people want more every day. When we first started, what, 7 years ago? We were happy just driving around a nieghborhood till we sniffed out a hot spot without a password, and sit on the…
The Location Independent Lifestyle Series – Work From Anywhere Jobs: Avoiding The Scams
This is our first in a series of location independent lifestyle articles that I will be posting each Monday. Be sure to come back every Monday for more in my series on the subject of working from your RV! One of the most asked questions that I see on the full-time RV-er related Facebook…