We’re from Chicago. We’ve both lived there all of our lives – still not sure why!! Between the housing prices, taxes, politicians, and the HORRIBLE weather in winter, I seriously think we were nuts for staying there all these years. Last week they got a foot of snow back home in Chicago, while we were…
Tag: full time RVing
Tech Tuesday: USB Charging Ports
Welcome to Tech Tuesday! Each week we will post anything techie that we have done in our RV. If you missed it, last week’s post was all about WIFI That Works and was a very popular post!! If this is something that you have questions about, you can read all about it here. This week we…
Happy Sunday! Grab A Cup Of Coffee And Read About Our Week!
Happy Sunday! I hope you are all having a nice mellow morning. Grab a cup of coffee and relax and enjoy a wrap up of our week! I found this quote sitting on my Pinterest board titled “Quotes I Love” and fell in love with it all over again. I must have pinned it a…
The Location Independent Lifestyle Series – Work From Anywhere Jobs: Avoiding The Scams
This is our first in a series of location independent lifestyle articles that I will be posting each Monday. Be sure to come back every Monday for more in my series on the subject of working from your RV! One of the most asked questions that I see on the full-time RV-er related Facebook…
Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going
So the last month has been pretty boring as we have been stuck back in Illinois. The good news is that Brian’s Eagle Scout project is turned in to his troop. And now we just have to wait for the Council to contact us for the final meeting. This could take several weeks, so as…
Not A Beautiful Beginning
Well, we’re not having a very sexy beginning here. We are camping on the hot (its 92 degrees right now!) black asphalt parking lot at Jim’s work. We did not close on the house as expected on Friday. Something about some child support paperwork that the buyer still needs to get to his bank. In…
Seven more days. One week. At this time next Friday we will be full-timers. There’s still so much to do! And yesterday we got word that the buyer’s bank is insisting he have the radon mitigated, even though it only tested at a 4.4. I always thought it didn’t require mitigation if it is under…
The Winds Of Change Are Blowing
Today is totally gonna be a “feelings” post. The house is sold – the closing is set for July 24, at which point we will be “homeless”. Its scary. Every day I waffle between being excited and being scared to death. Jim is busy clearing out the house – maybe a little too fast! I…